President: Nancy Clark, Exmoor Ave
Vice-President: Gene Pate, Hartley Dr.
The Board of Directors are your neighbors and serve on a voluntary basis.
No neighborhood funds are used for any form of compensation for the officers. Officers agree to serve for a two year terms and are elected at our November meeting each year. Think about running for an office; it is a great way to meet your Foxboro neighbors.
The Board is excited to serve our neighbors, and your dues payments allow us to maintain the safety and appearance of our neighborhood and build a better community. Please plan to pay your dues early in the year, and we can focus our time and energy on more enjoyable and beneficial projects!
We want you to be an active member of our community. In addition to contributing your dues, you can get involved by attending neighborhood meetings, contacting the Board with questions and ideas, and volunteering for committees or special events. Let’s work together to make Foxboro a great place to live!
Contact the Board:
Email us